Fiduciary activities also encompass Human Resources management. Since BALCONSULT builds relationships with its clients based on trust, staffing has developed into another of our areas of expertise. The benefits of our staffing service include increased workforce flexibility, optimisation of costs and access to expertise. It can help you whether you want to ensure you are well covered during peak periods, to reduce the burden on your staff or if you need to fill key positions. BALCONSULT’s experts can also take up positions on boards of directors and foundation boards, or act as interim CFOs.
Our staffing service is also used to develop and bring in expertise. It allows you to use an external third party for your company’s payroll processing, or to develop an internal control system based on a real understanding of your business. HR administration tasks can also be carried out on an ad hoc basis by BALCONSULT’s staffing service.
BALCONSULT.AG | Lange Gasse 4 | 4052 Basel | tel +41 61 205 17 00 | fax +41 61 205 17 01